Recent content by rootme

  1. rootme

    piping hot samosas 🥟🔥

    Couldn't resist grabbing some piping hot samosas 🥟 from the street vendor... so good! 1440×1800 360.3 kB
  2. rootme

    Why is my tuna casserole so dry?

    Yep, same issue here. Adding more sauce and covering with foil halfway through baking made a big difference for me. 🤞🧑‍🍳
  3. rootme

    What goes into making chicken skewers?

    I’m keen on making my own chicken skewers at home. What ingredients should I use? Any special tips or must-have spices? 🍗🌿
  4. rootme

    refreshing pineapple coconut smoothie🍍🥥🥤

    Sipping on a refreshing pineapple coconut smoothie to beat the heat... 🍍🥥🥤 1200×1200 351.9 kB
  5. rootme

    Sweet Corn Fritters With Avocado Salsa

    Thanks for sharing the food, it looks amazing! 😋✨
  6. rootme

    Lemon Pound Cake

    Lemon pound cake? More like lemon pound YUM! 🤤
  7. rootme

    Zucchini Fritters

    Any idea if these zucchini fritters would pair well with a spicy mayo dip? Planning a movie night with friends and looking for some snack ideas... 🍿🌶️
  8. rootme

    How can Tabouli jazz up meal prep?

    Tabouli in meal prep? Genius! It adds a burst of flavor and freshness to any dish. Definitely spicing up my weekly routine with this idea. 🔥
  9. rootme

    Looking for ideas! What goes well with crockpot beef stew?

    If you're into it, try serving the stew with some cheesy polenta and a side of roasted Brussels sprouts. It's a bit different but so delicious together! 🧀🌽
  10. rootme

    Can japchae be stored overnight without losing its taste or texture?

    Yeah, I've had that happen. I usually just stick the leftovers in the fridge and reheat them the next day. Tastes pretty good still. 😋
  11. rootme

    Deliciously Tender Chicken Drumsticks Recipe

    Do you think adding a bit of honey to the marinade would work? Just curious 'cause I love a hint of sweetness with my chicken. 🍯🤔
  12. rootme

    Stamppot Recipe

    This looks amazing... gotta try it because I love anything with smoked sausage. 😋
  13. rootme

    Is red velvet just red chocolate cake?

    Try making both at home... You'll notice red velvet has a smoother, more tender crumb... It's not just the color, it's the texture and taste... 🍰🔴
  14. rootme

    Curious: what's in authentic yakisoba, really?

    I usually go with soba noodles and a mix of soy sauce, Worcestershire, and a bit of oyster sauce. Works every time 🍜👌
  15. rootme

    Blue Hawaiian 🍹

    Tried this last summer... ended up having one too many, felt like I was on a tropical getaway 🏝️.