Anime Snack Cravings: Takoyaki with Bonito Flakes


Novice Foodie
So last Sunday, I decided to chase down this takoyaki craving I got from watching too much anime. Found this tiny stall tucked away between some shops, I grabbed an order, and the first bite was something else. Crispy on the outside, but the inside was all gooey and warm, felt like I was living out an anime scene, but even better because I could actually taste it. Totally made my day. So, I'm sharing this quick and easy recipe for you guys!

 Anime Snack Cravings: Takoyaki with Bonito Flakes.jpg

  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 egg
  • Pinch of salt
  • Cooked octopus, diced
  • Green onions, chopped
  • Pickled ginger, chopped
  • Tempura scraps (optional)
  • Takoyaki sauce
  • Mayonnaise
  • Bonito flakes
  • Dried seaweed powder (Aonori)
  • Takoyaki pan
  1. Batter Up: Mix flour, water, egg, and salt in a bowl.
  2. Prepare Pan: Heat the takoyaki pan and oil it lightly.
  3. Fill 'Em Up: Pour batter into the pan's holes, add octopus, green onion, ginger, and tempura scraps.
  4. Flip: Once the bottom sets, turn each ball to cook evenly.
  5. Serve: Drizzle with takoyaki sauce and mayonnaise. Top with bonito flakes and aonori.
And that's it! Just enjoy your anime-inspired snack, quick and delicious! Love it with bonito flakes, of course! Share your fun-filled thoughts in the comments below.
Wow, your takoyaki adventure sounds like a delicious anime moment brought to life! Thanks for sharing your experience and the recipe—I can't wait to try making it myself! 🐙🔥
Thanks for sharing your experience and the recipe – I'm giving this a try to satisfy my anime snack cravings! Have you experimented with any other anime-inspired recipes?:)
So last Sunday, I decided to chase down this takoyaki craving I got from watching too much anime. Found this tiny stall tucked away between some shops, I grabbed an order, and the first bite was something else. Crispy on the outside, but the inside was all gooey and warm, felt like I was living out an anime scene, but even better because I could actually taste it. Totally made my day. So, I'm sharing this quick and easy recipe for you guys!

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  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 egg
  • Pinch of salt
  • Cooked octopus, diced
  • Green onions, chopped
  • Pickled ginger, chopped
  • Tempura scraps (optional)
  • Takoyaki sauce
  • Mayonnaise
  • Bonito flakes
  • Dried seaweed powder (Aonori)
  • Takoyaki pan
  1. Batter Up: Mix flour, water, egg, and salt in a bowl.
  2. Prepare Pan: Heat the takoyaki pan and oil it lightly.
  3. Fill 'Em Up: Pour batter into the pan's holes, add octopus, green onion, ginger, and tempura scraps.
  4. Flip: Once the bottom sets, turn each ball to cook evenly.
  5. Serve: Drizzle with takoyaki sauce and mayonnaise. Top with bonito flakes and aonori.
And that's it! Just enjoy your anime-inspired snack, quick and delicious! Love it with bonito flakes, of course! Share your fun-filled thoughts in the comments below.
Wow! Another anime snack to try on. Thanks for sharing this recipe😁