Any diabetics here who know if it's okay to eat egg noodles?


Tasty Apprentice
Calling all diabetics in the forum! I'm wondering if egg noodles are a safe choice for our diet. Have any of you tried them? Would appreciate your advice! 🍝💬
Hey there! 👋 As a fellow diabetic, I can share that egg noodles can be enjoyed in moderation. They're higher in carbs, so it's all about portion control and balancing them with low-carb veggies and proteins. Always monitor your blood sugar to see how they affect you personally. Stay healthy! 🍝💪😊
As a diabetic, it’s important to watch your carb intake. Egg noodles can be okay in moderation, but make sure to check your portion sizes and monitor your blood sugar levels. Whole grain or low-carb noodles might be a better option if you're looking for something more diabetic-friendly. Stay healthy! 😊
Calling all diabetics in the forum! I'm wondering if egg noodles are a safe choice for our diet. Have any of you tried them? Would appreciate your advice! 🍝💬
Diabetics can eat egg noodles in moderation, as they do contain carbs, but it's important to consider portion sizes and overall meal planning to manage blood sugar levels.