Any ideas on how many calories in Bees Knees cocktail?


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone! Curious minds here wondering about the calorie count in a Bees Knees cocktail. 🐝🍸 Heard it's a classic, but does it pack a caloric punch? 💭 Any insights or ballpark figures? Let's shed some light on this sweet cocktail mystery!
Hey everyone! Curious minds here wondering about the calorie count in a Bees Knees cocktail. 🐝🍸 Heard it's a classic, but does it pack a caloric punch? 💭 Any insights or ballpark figures? Let's shed some light on this sweet cocktail mystery!
Well, the Bees Knees cocktail, made with gin, lemon juice, and honey syrup, typically has around 150-200 calories per serving. 🍸 The exact count depends on the proportions and the type of gin used, but it's not too heavy on the calories for a sweet, classic drink. Cheers! 🐝🍹
Hey everyone! Curious minds here wondering about the calorie count in a Bees Knees cocktail. 🐝🍸 Heard it's a classic, but does it pack a caloric punch? 💭 Any insights or ballpark figures? Let's shed some light on this sweet cocktail mystery!
Bees Knees can pack a punch! Calorie count depends on recipe, but estimates range from 165 to 198 calories per serving. Enjoy responsibly!