Any Ideas Why My Focaccia Bread Tastes So Salty?


Novice Foodie
Baking mishap alert! 😅 I need your help troubleshooting a salty surprise with my focaccia bread.🧂 Any thoughts on why it might be tasting overly salty? 🤷‍♂️ I may have accidentally add too much salt, or could there be another reason? 🤔 I need your input in this one to save my sanity! Hahaha! 😅
I've had that happen to me before, and I think it's because I didn't adjust the salt when I changed brands of ingredients. 😕 It's worth checking if the salt you used is stronger than what the recipe calls for.
Thanks for sharing your experience. It's a great reminder to always pay attention to the type and strength of ingredients we use in baking. I'll definitely double-check the salt next time and make sure it aligns with the recipe recommendations. Your insight is much appreciated! 😊👩‍🍳