Any secrets for whipping up a healthier lemon pound cake that's still bursting with flavor?


Culinary Explorer
Hey fellow bakers! 🍋🍰 Ever cracked the code on making a healthier lemon pound cake that's still full of flavor? Share your kitchen wisdom and let's whip up a guilt-free delight together! 💡
One trick I've learned is to use Greek yogurt instead of some of the butter or oil. It keeps the cake moist and adds a bit of protein. Also, I like to swap out some of the sugar with honey or a natural sweetener like stevia. 😉👍🙂👌
One trick I've learned is to use Greek yogurt instead of some of the butter or oil. It keeps the cake moist and adds a bit of protein. Also, I like to swap out some of the sugar with honey or a natural sweetener like stevia. 😉👍🙂👌
I think you can cut down on the sugar by replacing some with unsweetened applesauce. It keeps the cake sweet and moist. 🍏