Any tips for crafting a healthier roux?


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone! 🌟 I'm trying to make my dishes a bit healthier and heard about using a healthier roux. Any tips or tricks for making one? 🤔 I'd love to learn more about alternative ingredients or techniques. Thanks a bunch! 🙌
Try using cauliflower rice instead of flour for a lighter base ;) It thickens sauces just like flour, and adds a subtle veggie flavor ..
Hey everyone! 🌟 I'm trying to make my dishes a bit healthier and heard about using a healthier roux. Any tips or tricks for making one? 🤔 I'd love to learn more about alternative ingredients or techniques. Thanks a bunch! 🙌
Hey there! 👋 For a healthier roux, try using olive oil instead of butter and whole wheat flour for a nuttier flavor. It's a simple swap that adds a healthier twist to your dishes! Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it! 🌿
Use less butter and opt for whole wheat flour for a healthier roux! 🌾 It's lighter and still adds great flavor to your dishes. 🍲