Any tips on how to tell if a spaghetti squash is perfectly ripe?


Culinary Explorer
Does anyone have any foolproof tips on how to tell if a spaghetti squash is ripe and ready to eat? I want to make sure I’m using it at its best! 🍈👀
I always wait until the spaghetti squash turns a deep yellow and feels heavy for its size. When you tap it, it should sound hollow. 🍝👌
To check if a spaghetti squash is ripe, look for a firm skin that's a deep yellow color. 🍈 It should feel heavy for its size and have a hard shell that can't be easily scratched with your fingernail. Happy cooking! 👩‍🍳👨‍🍳
To determine if a spaghetti squash is ripe, look for one that feels heavy for its size and has a firm, unblemished rind. The color should be a consistent pale yellow or cream, without any green spots. Additionally, check the stem—if it's dry and firm, it's a good indicator that the squash is ripe.