Anyone know if tortellini soup is considered healthy or not?


Culinary Explorer
Hey foodie friends! 🥣 I've got a burning question: is tortellini soup on the healthy side or more of an indulgence? 🤔 I'm trying to watch what I eat, but I can't resist a good bowl of soup! 😋 Any insights would be much appreciated!
Hey! Actually, tortellini soup can definitely be chunky – it just depends on the specific ingredients that are used to create said soup. It is much better when it is full of vegetables and based on some broth because in this case it will be more nutritious; however, if it is thick and has a lot of cheese, it means it is better for a dessert. It really is all about moderation so put these delights into your mouth and enjoy them but in moderation of course! 🍲💪