Avocado Toast


Tasty Apprentice
My buddy showed me this recipe, and I had an absolute blast whipping it up!


You'll need:

1 ripe avocado
2 slices of your favorite bread (such as whole grain, sourdough, or ciabatta)
Salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Red pepper flakes (optional, for some heat)
Lemon wedges (optional, for a citrusy kick)


Start by toasting your bread slices until they reach your desired level of crispiness.
While the bread is toasting, cut the avocado in half lengthwise and remove the pit. Scoop the flesh into a small bowl.
Mash the avocado with a fork until it reaches your desired consistency. Some people prefer it chunky, while others like it smooth.
Once the bread is toasted to perfection, spread the mashed avocado evenly onto each slice.
Sprinkle a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper over the avocado.
If you like a little spice, sprinkle some red pepper flakes on top.
Squeeze a lemon wedge over the avocado toast for a burst of citrus flavor.
Serve immediately and enjoy your delicious homemade avocado toast!

Feel free to get creative with additional toppings like sliced tomatoes, poached eggs, crumbled feta cheese, or microgreens. The beauty of avocado toast is that you can customize it to your heart's content!
This avocado toast recipe is a lifesaver for busy mornings. I love getting creative with mine. Have you ever tried a fried egg on top with a sprinkle of chili flakes and crumbled feta? It adds a whole new dimension of flavor and keeps me full for ages! ❤️
Avocados are one of my faves! I can't wait to try this one! The creaminess of the avocado would be a perfect pair for a crispy toasts! Thanks!🙌
Avocado toast is always a winner for me! I like mine with a generous squeeze of lemon and a sprinkle of sea salt. So simple yet so delicious! :love:
Wow, that recipe sounds delicious and simple! Avocado toast is my go-to for a quick and satisfying meal. I love adding a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for that extra kick. Thanks for sharing! 🥑🍞
Avocado toast is a timeless classic recipe. I am super fan of this food, I am glad that the shared recipe is just another perfect way of preparing avocado toast. cheers! Thanks for sharing.