Bakers, any tips to prevent my pecan pie crust from getting too dark or burning? 🤔


Culinary Explorer
Hello, baking enthusiasts! 🥧🔥 Do you have any suggestions to maintain a golden crust on my pecan pie instead of it getting burnt? 🌟😊 Any advice or techniques to avoid that unwanted dark shade? 🤔👩‍🍳 I've been baking for a while, but this is still a challenge for me. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Hello, baking enthusiasts! 🥧🔥 Do you have any suggestions to maintain a golden crust on my pecan pie instead of it getting burnt? 🌟😊 Any advice or techniques to avoid that unwanted dark shade? 🤔👩‍🍳 I've been baking for a while, but this is still a challenge for me. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Yo, try covering the pie edges with foil for most of the bake time, then remove it near the end for that golden crust. Works like a charm, trust me. 👍🥧 Keep an eye on it though, timings might vary. 🔥👨‍🍳