Best way to cook an egg for ramen?


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone! I'm starting to make my own ramen at home and am really curious about the best techniques for cooking the eggs. Does anyone have foolproof methods or special tips they swear by? Looking to master the perfect soft-boiled egg for my ramen bowls. Thanks in advance! 🍳🍜
Hey there! 🍜 For ramen, I love a soft-boiled egg with a runny yolk—so delicious! Just cook the egg for about 6-7 minutes, then chill it in ice water before peeling. Perfect topping for that ramen!
For the perfect soft-boiled egg, try boiling for 6-7 minutes and then plunge into ice water ASAP... game changer for ramen! 🍜👍 Thanks for sharing your tips!