Brigadeiro Treats: How Many Calories Are We Talking?


Culinary Explorer
Hey sweet-tooth friends! 🍫⚖️ I'm curious about the calorie count in brigadeiro treats. Anyone have the inside scoop on how many calories we're indulging in with each delightful bite? Let's keep our treats delicious and mindful! Share your insights and let's satisfy our cravings responsibly! 🙌😊
A single brigadeiro typically has around 50-70 calories, depending on the size and ingredients used (like condensed milk, butter, and cocoa powder). It’s a sweet indulgence, but moderation can help you enjoy it responsibly. 😊🍫
Brigadeiros are super delicious! 😍✨ On average, each one packs around 80-100 calories, depending on the size and ingredients. So, they’re a tasty treat, but it’s easy to go a little overboard! 😅 Enjoy them in moderation, and you’ll be all good!