Calories in a Bahama Mama cocktail—does anyone have the numbers?


Culinary Explorer
Does anyone know how many calories are in a Bahama Mama cocktail? Trying to enjoy a few drinks without ruining my diet. Any info would be super helpful! 🍹📊
Bahama Mama cocktail typically has around 300-400 calories per serving, depending on the recipe and ingredients used. Enjoying a couple should be okay if you keep the rest of your day's intake in check. 🍹📊✨
Hey! A Bahama Mama cocktail usually has around 300-350 calories, depending on the ingredients and size. It's definitely a tropical treat! Enjoy responsibly! 😄
A Bahama Mama cocktail typically has around 300-350 calories per serving. Enjoy in moderation and you should be fine! 🍹😊