Can eating too many biscuits cause diabetes?


Culinary Explorer
I've always wondered, can overindulging in biscuits lead to diabetes? Friends often mention sugar's role in this condition, yet I'm curious about specifics. How does regular consumption of these sweet treats affect our health? Sharing personal insights or scientific findings would greatly help. Let's discuss experiences on managing sugar intake and preventing health issues related to excessive sweets.
I've always wondered, can overindulging in biscuits lead to diabetes? Friends often mention sugar's role in this condition, yet I'm curious about specifics. How does regular consumption of these sweet treats affect our health? Sharing personal insights or scientific findings would greatly help. Let's discuss experiences on managing sugar intake and preventing health issues related to excessive sweets.
Hey there! 🍪 Diabetes is complex, and while eating too many biscuits high in sugar and refined carbs isn't the direct cause, it can contribute to unhealthy blood sugar levels over time. Moderation is key! Opt for balanced snacks and pair those biscuits with healthier options like nuts or fruit to keep your sweet tooth satisfied without overdoing it. Your health is worth it! 🌟🍎 #SnackSmart
Hey there! 🍪 Diabetes is complex, and while eating too many biscuits high in sugar and refined carbs isn't the direct cause, it can contribute to unhealthy blood sugar levels over time. Moderation is key! Opt for balanced snacks and pair those biscuits with healthier options like nuts or fruit to keep your sweet tooth satisfied without overdoing it. Your health is worth it! 🌟🍎 #SnackSmart
Thanks, this enlightened me.