Can hoisin sauce spoil or go bad?


Culinary Explorer
Hi all! I stumbled upon an old bottle of hoisin sauce in my pantry. 🕵️‍♂️ Does hoisin sauce ever go bad, or is it one of those condiments that last forever? How can you tell if it’s no longer good to use? Would appreciate any insights or personal experiences with this!
Hey there! 😊 Hoisin sauce can definitely go bad over time, especially if it's been sitting for a while. Check for any weird smell or change in color—those are telltale signs it might be time to toss it. Thanks for the heads-up, appreciate the advice!
Yes, hoisin sauce can spoil over time, especially if it's been opened and not stored properly. Check for any changes in color, smell, or texture. If it looks or smells off, it's best to play it safe and get a fresh bottle!
Hoisin sauce typically has a long shelf life due to its high sugar and vinegar content, but it can eventually spoil. Check for changes in color, texture, or an off smell. If it looks or smells unusual, it's best to discard it.