Can I add water to my Greek chicken marinade, or is that a no-go?


Culinary Explorer
Can I add water to my Greek chicken marinade, or is that a no-go? 💧🍗 Some recipes call for water to dilute the marinade, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Will it affect the flavor or texture? Share your thoughts and experiences, please! 🤷‍♂️👨‍🍳
Adding a bit of water to your Greek chicken marinade is okay if you want to tone down the intensity of the flavors or make it stretch further. Just be cautious not to overdo it, as it can dilute the flavor and affect how well the chicken absorbs the marinade. Try using broth or lemon juice for extra flavor if needed!
Totally okay to add a bit of water to your Greek chicken marinade! It can help dilute the flavors and make sure the marinade covers all the chicken evenly. Just don’t overdo it – you still want those delicious flavors to shine through! 😋