Can I make chipotle guacamole low-fat?


Culinary Explorer
Hey foodie friends! I'm on a quest to make my favorite Chipotle guacamole a bit healthier! 🥑💡Is there a way to whip up a low-fat version without sacrificing that creamy goodness? Any tips or alternative ingredients that could help me cut down on the fat content? Can't wait to hear your ideas!
Hey foodie friends! I'm on a quest to make my favorite Chipotle guacamole a bit healthier! 🥑💡Is there a way to whip up a low-fat version without sacrificing that creamy goodness? Any tips or alternative ingredients that could help me cut down on the fat content? Can't wait to hear your ideas!
Absolutely! Swap regular avocado for light or reduced-fat avocado, use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, and add a touch of lime juice for extra flavor without the guilt! 🥑
Totally, you can make a low-fat chipotle guacamole! 🥑🌶️ Just use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream or cut back on the avocado a bit. Still packed with flavor but a bit lighter! What’s your go-to ingredient for guacamole? 🤤