Can I swap regular flour for gluten-free flour in brownies?


Novice Foodie
Has anyone tried using gluten-free flour instead of regular flour in brownies? How did it turn out? I'm curious if it's a straight swap or if there are any adjustments needed. Any advice would be super helpful! 🍰❓
Hi there.👋👋 Substitute by weight, not volume. Moreover, because they are finer, they weigh less than all-purpose flour, so it is a good idea to substitute your blend for the all-purpose by weight, rather than by volume. If the original recipe calls for 260 grams of all-purpose flour, substitute with 260 grams of your blend. Hope that will help!☺️
Hi there.👋👋 Substitute by weight, not volume. Moreover, because they are finer, they weigh less than all-purpose flour, so it is a good idea to substitute your blend for the all-purpose by weight, rather than by volume. If the original recipe calls for 260 grams of all-purpose flour, substitute with 260 grams of your blend. Hope that will help!☺️
Hey! Thanks for the tip! Using weight instead of volume makes total sense for a finer blend. 🌟 I'll go with 260 grams when subbing my blend for all-purpose flour next time.
You can swap gluten-free flour, but add a binder like xanthan gum for better texture; results can be deliciously fudgy! 🍰❓