Can we stash pinwheels in the freezer for later?


Culinary Explorer
Can we stash pinwheels in the freezer for later? ❄️🌀 I'm all about meal prep and saving time, but I'm unsure if these savory delights hold up well in the freezer. Any freezer-friendly foodies here with tips on how to store pinwheels for future snacking? Let's chill and share our freezer wisdom!
Can we stash pinwheels in the freezer for later?
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❄️🌀 I'm all about meal prep and saving time, but I'm unsure if these savory delights hold up well in the freezer. Any freezer-friendly foodies here with tips on how to store pinwheels for future snacking? Let's chill and share our freezer wisdom!
Pinwheels freeze like a champ! Freeze them unbaked on a sheet pan, then transfer to a bag for up to 2 months. When you're ready to bake, pop them straight from the freezer into the oven for a quick and easy snack or appetizer.
I think freezing pinwheels works great! Just layer them with parchment to prevent sticking. ❄️
Can we stash pinwheels in the freezer for later? ❄️🌀 I'm all about meal prep and saving time, but I'm unsure if these savory delights hold up well in the freezer. Any freezer-friendly foodies here with tips on how to store pinwheels for future snacking? Let's chill and share our freezer wisdom!
I've found that storing pinwheels in the freezer works well for me. My advice is to individually wrap them in plastic wrap or foil before freezing to keep them fresh. When you want to snack on them, just thaw them in the fridge overnight or reheat them in the oven. It's a time-saving hack that's definitely worth trying! 🕒👌