Chat about it: What's in an authentic rum runner?


Novice Foodie
Let's have a chat about it: What ingredients make up an authentic rum runner cocktail? 🤔💬 I'm curious to uncover the secrets behind this tropical concoction. Share your knowledge, spill the beans, and let's whip up some island vibes together! 😊
An authentic rum runner typically includes dark rum, light rum, banana liqueur, blackberry liqueur, grenadine, and a splash of orange and lime juice. 🍹 Have you tried making one yet, or are you planning to? 😊
Ah, rum runners! 🍹🔥 An authentic one usually has a blend of light and dark rum, banana liqueur, blackberry brandy, and a splash of fruit juices like pineapple and orange. It’s like a tropical party in a glass!