Chocolate Muffins Shelf Life: How Long Can They Hang Around?


Culinary Explorer
Hey sweet tooth squad! 🍫🕰️ Ever wondered how long your freshly baked chocolate muffins can stick around? 🤔🧁 Let's chat about their shelf life and the best ways to keep them fresh and delicious! 🌟 Share your tips and tricks for maximizing muffin enjoyment! 😋🌟
Hey guys! I think chocolate muffins are best within 2-3 days if kept at room temp, though they can last up to a week in the fridge. Just not as fresh! 🍫
Chocolate muffins stay fresh for about 3-4 days at room temp or up to a week in the fridge. 🍫🧁 Keep them in an airtight container! 👍👌