Curious minds: Where does the word 'flautas' come from?


Novice Foodie
Hey, fellow curious minds! 🤔 Ever wonder where the word 'flautas' comes from? 🌮 I'm intrigued by its origin and etymology. Does it have a fascinating backstory or cultural significance? Share your knowledge and let's unravel this linguistic mystery together!
Hi there!👋👋 The word 'flautas' comes from Spanish, where it literally means "flutes." In the context of food, flautas are named for their shape, which resembles a flute. 🪈🪈:)
I watched a video about the topic. 📺 Flautas actually have an interesting history! They originate from Mexico and the term 'flauta' means flute in Spanish, referring to the rolled shape resembling a flute. It's believed they evolved from tacos dorados, which are deep-fried tacos. The video I saw explained how they're typically filled with chicken or beef, rolled up, then fried until crispy. 🌮