Do Muddy Buddies ever spoil? How long do they last?


Culinary Explorer
Quick question, folks! Do Muddy Buddies ever go bad? How long can I keep them fresh? Would love your advice on this! 🤔🕒
Great question! 😄 Muddy Buddies can last about a week if stored in an airtight container at room temp, but they’re best within a few days while they’re super fresh! 🥣✨ If you freeze them, they can last up to a couple of months. 👍
Muddy Buddies can last for several weeks when stored properly in an airtight container at room temperature. Just keep an eye out for any signs of mold or staleness. 🍪🍫🥜
Muddy Buddies can last about 1 to 2 weeks at room temperature in an airtight container, but they may stay fresh longer if refrigerated! 🐶✨