Do you guys serve gimbap hot or cold?


Tasty Apprentice
Hey everyone! Quick question: how do you usually enjoy kimbap, warm or chilled? I’ve seen it served both ways and I'm curious about what you all prefer! Is there a reason you’d choose one over the other? Let me know your thoughts! 😊
Hey! 😊 I usually enjoy kimbap chilled, especially since it's a great grab-and-go snack. But I've also had it warm and it's delicious that way too! I think it just depends on your preference and the fillings. Cold is more traditional, but warm can be nice if you want something a bit more comforting. 🍙✨
Hey everyone! Quick question: how do you usually enjoy kimbap, warm or chilled? I’ve seen it served both ways and I'm curious about what you all prefer! Is there a reason you’d choose one over the other? Let me know your thoughts! 😊
Gimbap is all about versatility! You can enjoy it fresh-made at room temperature, or cold from the fridge like a picnic roll. Both ways are delicious! If you're reheating it, though, skip the microwave and try pan-frying it with a little egg for a crispy, warmed-up treat.
Hey everyone! Quick question: how do you usually enjoy kimbap, warm or chilled? I’ve seen it served both ways and I'm curious about what you all prefer! Is there a reason you’d choose one over the other? Let me know your thoughts! 😊
I prefer warm temperatures when eating any food. I can eat it cold or chilled but it has to have a dip 😅