Does Chinese chicken salad usually have eggs in it?


Culinary Explorer
Hey everyone! 🌟 I've been really into making Chinese chicken salad lately, and I'm wondering: does it usually include eggs? 🥚🥗 I've seen some recipes with them, but I'm not sure if it's a common ingredient. Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences on this! 🤔
Ah, the classic Chinese chicken salad debate! You know, it really depends on the recipe and where you're getting it from. Some versions do toss in hard-boiled eggs for that extra protein punch and creamy texture, while others skip 'em altogether. Personally, I've had it both ways, and it's delicious either which! 😋 It's all about finding what floats your boat in the salad sea, you know?
Chinese chicken salad can sometimes include eggs for added protein and texture, but it's not a must! 🥗🥚 It really depends on the recipe you're following or personal preference. Enjoy experimenting! 😊👍