Flour or Powdered Sugar: Which is Best for Rolling Sugar Cookies?


Novice Foodie
Hey everyone! 👋 I'm gearing up for some serious cookie baking, and I'm torn between using flour or powdered sugar for rolling out my sugar cookie dough. 🍪✨ Which one do you swear by? Any tips on achieving that perfect texture and taste? Let's settle this sweet debate together! 😊
Hey there! 🍪 For rolling sugar cookies, powdered sugar is your best bet! 🌟 It’s super fine and helps prevent sticking without adding extra floury texture. 🙌 Just dust your surface lightly and you’ll get those cookies rolled out perfectly!
Hey! For rolling sugar cookies, I prefer powdered sugar—gives a nice touch without making the dough too dry! 🍪 Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! 😊