Gorditas Recipe


Culinary Explorer
Gorditas Recipe.jpg
Hello, pals! I've started preparing gorditas at home, and they're always popular with the family. These thick, filled corn cakes are ideal for any meal and are quite filling!

  • 1 cup masa harina (instant corn masa flour), such as Maseca
  • 1 cup hot water, plus more as needed
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon shortening
  • 1 cup canola oil for frying
  1. Stir the masa harina, water, and salt in one bowl and the flour and baking powder in another.
  2. Stir the flour mixture into the masa harina mixture to make a dough.
  3. Divide the dough into six balls, then flatten the balls into discs on a prepared surface.
  4. Cook the gorditas on a griddle until dry to the touch with golden spots.
  5. Fry the gorditas, one by one, until they are puffed.
  6. Drain, then cut crosswise to create an opening.
My family loves them stuffed with all sorts of fillings. I hope you give them a try and enjoy them as much as we do!
Make sure to cook them on a hot comal for that authentic taste. I think flipping them a few times ensures even cooking, though! 😊🌮