Greek Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Honey


Culinary Explorer
 Greek Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Honey.jpeg

Treat yourself to a delicious and nutritious breakfast with this Greek Yogurt Parfait! Layered with creamy Greek yogurt, sweet berries, crunchy granola, and a drizzle of honey, it's a refreshing and satisfying way to start your day. Best of all, it comes together in minutes, making it perfect for busy mornings or as a quick and healthy snack any time of day.


  • 1 cup Greek yogurt (plain or flavored)
  • 1/2 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • 1/4 cup granola
  • Honey, for drizzling

  1. In a glass or bowl, spoon a layer of Greek yogurt into the bottom.
  2. Top the yogurt with a layer of mixed berries.
  3. Sprinkle a layer of granola over the berries.
  4. Repeat the layers until you reach the top of the glass or bowl, finishing with a drizzle of honey on top.
  5. Serve your Greek Yogurt Parfait immediately and enjoy the delicious combination of flavors and textures!
A quick and refreshing recipe for Greek Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Honey, a delicious and nutritious breakfast option with creamy yogurt, sweet berries, granola, and honey. Easy to make and satisfying, perfect for starting the day right.
View attachment 1335
Treat yourself to a delicious and nutritious breakfast with this Greek Yogurt Parfait! Layered with creamy Greek yogurt, sweet berries, crunchy granola, and a drizzle of honey, it's a refreshing and satisfying way to start your day. Best of all, it comes together in minutes, making it perfect for busy mornings or as a quick and healthy snack any time of day.


  • 1 cup Greek yogurt (plain or flavored)
  • 1/2 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • 1/4 cup granola
  • Honey, for drizzling

  1. In a glass or bowl, spoon a layer of Greek yogurt into the bottom.
  2. Top the yogurt with a layer of mixed berries.
  3. Sprinkle a layer of granola over the berries.
  4. Repeat the layers until you reach the top of the glass or bowl, finishing with a drizzle of honey on top.
  5. Serve your Greek Yogurt Parfait immediately and enjoy the delicious combination of flavors and textures!
A quick and refreshing recipe for Greek Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Honey, a delicious and nutritious breakfast option with creamy yogurt, sweet berries, granola, and honey. Easy to make and satisfying, perfect for starting the day right.
Nice recipe! Definitely gonna give this Greek Yogurt Parfait a try...looks like a tasty and healthy breakfast option. 🥣🍓🍯
Yes! 🍓🍯 A Greek Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Honey sounds like the perfect way to start the day! Can't wait to give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing, it's going to be a delicious breakfast treat! 🌞😋
Oh, yum! A Greek Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Honey! A delicious blend of creamy yogurt, sweet berries, and drizzled honey—a perfect balance of flavors!