
Culinary Explorer
Hi friends! Let me tell you a story about a big family party! We made something super yummy: grilled scallops with butter, garlic, and white wine! It was so yummy, like magic in our mouths! You should try it too, it's super fun! 🍴🔥🍷



For the sauce​

  • 30 g salted butter
  • Zest from 1 lemon
  • 2 garlic cloves puréed or finely chopped or grated
  • 200 ml white wine
  • Salt and pepper

For the grilled scallops​

  • Vegetable oil
  • 12 scallops ideally stuck to their shell
  • Dill leaves for serving (optional)


For the sauce​

  • Preheat a pan over medium heat. You can even do this over the grill if your pan can handle straight heat.
  • Add the butter, lemon zest, garlic and mix for one minute.
  • Add the white wine (be careful, it can splatter) all at once.
  • Stir constantly until the white wine has evaporated completely. You will notice it has evaporated because you won't see any liquid under the butter, and also the butter will start to sizzle again.

For the grilled scallops​

  • Prep your scallops: rinse them well under running water to remove any sand that could be still there. I also remove the coral because I enjoy them more that way, but it's optional. Try to keep the scallop meat attached to the shell.

  • Preheat you bbq grill to high heat (make sure to clean it beforehand). You can also use a grill-type pan, also nicely preheated. This is important because scallops only take a minute to cook and we need them to become golden in that short period of time.

  • Use a brush (ideally silicone) to paint a bit of vegetable oil on the grill. Some oil will drop onto the heat source which could cause a flame to shoot up, it's normal.

  • Place the scallops upside down onto the grill (shell on top, scallop touching the grill). Cook them without moving them around for 1 minute.

  • Use a thin metal spatula to flip them. You want to insert the spatula in a swift move in case a bit of them got stuck. Flip them so that the scallop is now on top. Add a tablespoon of the sauce to each scallop (the sauce should be hot) and cook on this side for an extra minute.

  • Serve immediately with dill leaves.

Yay! Let's all cook together and have lots of fun with this tasty scallops recipe! It's easy and super duper yummy! 🎉👩‍🍳
Hi friends! Let me tell you a story about a big family party! We made something super yummy: grilled scallops with butter, garlic, and white wine! It was so yummy, like magic in our mouths! You should try it too, it's super fun! 🍴🔥🍷

View attachment 1593


For the sauce​

  • 30 g salted butter
  • Zest from 1 lemon
  • 2 garlic cloves puréed or finely chopped or grated
  • 200 ml white wine
  • Salt and pepper

For the grilled scallops​

  • Vegetable oil
  • 12 scallops ideally stuck to their shell
  • Dill leaves for serving (optional)


For the sauce​

  • Preheat a pan over medium heat. You can even do this over the grill if your pan can handle straight heat.
  • Add the butter, lemon zest, garlic and mix for one minute.
  • Add the white wine (be careful, it can splatter) all at once.
  • Stir constantly until the white wine has evaporated completely. You will notice it has evaporated because you won't see any liquid under the butter, and also the butter will start to sizzle again.

For the grilled scallops​

  • Prep your scallops: rinse them well under running water to remove any sand that could be still there. I also remove the coral because I enjoy them more that way, but it's optional. Try to keep the scallop meat attached to the shell.

  • Preheat you bbq grill to high heat (make sure to clean it beforehand). You can also use a grill-type pan, also nicely preheated. This is important because scallops only take a minute to cook and we need them to become golden in that short period of time.

  • Use a brush (ideally silicone) to paint a bit of vegetable oil on the grill. Some oil will drop onto the heat source which could cause a flame to shoot up, it's normal.

  • Place the scallops upside down onto the grill (shell on top, scallop touching the grill). Cook them without moving them around for 1 minute.

  • Use a thin metal spatula to flip them. You want to insert the spatula in a swift move in case a bit of them got stuck. Flip them so that the scallop is now on top. Add a tablespoon of the sauce to each scallop (the sauce should be hot) and cook on this side for an extra minute.

  • Serve immediately with dill leaves.

Yay! Let's all cook together and have lots of fun with this tasty scallops recipe! It's easy and super duper yummy! 🎉👩‍🍳
Hey, great recipe! For an extra kick, try adding a sprinkle of smoked paprika to the sauce. It adds a smoky depth that pairs perfectly with the grilled scallops. 🌶️👌🏼