Has anyone tried curing their own ham steak at home? How'd it go?


Culinary Explorer
I'm considering curing my own ham steak at home and would love to hear from anyone who has tried it. Any advice or a step-by-step guide would be super helpful. Looking forward to your tips on homemade curing! 🏡🥓
Curing ham steaks at home is on my to-try list too! Heard it's way easier than a whole ham 🤔 There's a great recipe online for a brine with brown sugar and spices ..seems like a fun project! If you've tried it, let me know how it went! 😊
Curing ham steaks at home is on my to-try list too! Heard it's way easier than a whole ham 🤔 There's a great recipe online for a brine with brown sugar and spices ..seems like a fun project! If you've tried it, let me know how it went! 😊
I think curing your own ham steak at home can be a fun experiment! 🍴🏡 Though it's important to research recipes and methods thoroughly to ensure food safety and delicious results.
Oh, curing your own ham steak at home can be a fun project! It takes some patience and attention to detail, but the results can be delicious. Just make sure to follow a good recipe and food safety guidelines closely. It's a rewarding way to customize flavors and enjoy a homemade treat!
I think curing ham steak at home is totally doable! The biggest challenge I faced was finding the right balance of salt and spices. It was worth it though! 🍖