Help! Why did my egg muffins deflate after baking?


Tasty Apprentice
Help! Why did my egg muffins deflate after baking? They looked perfect at first but then poof! What am I doing wrong? 🧐🥚
Egg muffins can deflate because they puff up from the steam during baking and then collapse as they cool. To prevent this, avoid overmixing the batter and ensure they’re fully cooked before taking them out of the oven. 😊🥚
Oh no, egg muffins deflating can be a bit of a bummer! It might be because the oven temperature was too high or the muffins were overmixed. Try lowering the oven temp a bit and mixing just until combined. Also, make sure you're not overloading them with ingredients. They should turn out fluffy and delicious next time! 😊