Help! Why do my buñuelos keep sticking?

Kento Nanami

Culinary Explorer
Every time I attempt to make buñuelos, they end up sticking to the pan or the mold. It’s becoming a frustrating hurdle. Has anyone experienced this and found a way to prevent it? I’m desperate for any suggestions or solutions to try out. Thanks for your help! 🆘🍳
I totally get your frustration—buñuelos can be tricky! I had the same problem when I first started making them. Make sure the oil is hot enough before you add the dough and If you're using a mold, make sure it's well-greased. 😉✨👍
Hey there! I've had that issue too! Try lightly greasing your pan or mold with oil before cooking. It usually does the trick for me. Good luck! ;)
Your buñuelos might be sticking due to insufficient oil temperature or overcrowding in the frying pan; ensure the oil is hot enough and fry in batches, maintaining space between each buñuelo to prevent sticking.(y)
I totally get your frustration with sticky buñuelos. Try lightly oiling your pan or mold before adding the batter, and make sure the oil is hot enough before you start frying. This should help prevent sticking. Good luck! 🍳✨
I totally get your frustration with sticky buñuelos. Try lightly oiling your pan or mold before adding the batter, and make sure the oil is hot enough before you start frying. This should help prevent sticking. Good luck! 🍳✨

Ah, I hear you! Thanks for the tip! Gonna grease that pan up real good next time and make those buñuelos pop! Appreciate it! 🙌👨‍🍳
Your buñuelos might be sticking due to insufficient oil temperature or overcrowding in the frying pan; ensure the oil is hot enough and fry in batches, maintaining space between each buñuelo to prevent sticking.(y)
Ah, gotcha! Gonna crank up that oil temp and give 'em some space to sizzle! Thanks for the heads up! 🙌🔥