Help! Why is my pesto bitter?


Novice Foodie
Hey all! I've run into a snag making pesto lately; it ends up tasting bitter. Tried tweaking ingredients but no luck. Could olive oil or perhaps basil types be the culprit? Would love tips or insights on avoiding this issue. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
I have this same problem why pesto is bitter is they can sometimes come from using basil leaves that are past their prime or have been store improperly and not enough of parmesan cheese. I've seen some of people making pesto is they add a lot of parmesan to balance the bitterness.
Hey there! I feel you! A bitter pesto can be a bummer. It must be due to the olive oil or maybe even the type of basil you're using. Try experimenting with different brands or varieties, it might do the trick! Good luck bud!
Hello everyone! If your pesto is under-seasoned, it might taste more bitter than it should. Make sure to add enough salt and taste as you go to adjust the seasoning.;););)
Maybe try using fresher basil 🌿. Sometimes older leaves can make it bitter. Though, I think balancing with more nuts could help, like pine nuts or walnuts 🌰.