Hey bakers, what's the secret to getting that perfect crusty bread?


Culinary Explorer
I've been trying to replicate the crusty bread from my favorite bakery and can't quite get it right. Does anyone have any insider tips or special ingredients they use to achieve that perfect crust? Really eager to get it right! 🍞😊
I've been trying to replicate the crusty bread from my favorite bakery and can't quite get it right. Does anyone have any insider tips or special ingredients they use to achieve that perfect crust? Really eager to get it right! 🍞😊
Hey there! To nail that crusty bread, try using a Dutch oven for baking—it traps steam and gives that crispy crust. Also, a hot oven kickstarts the magic. Good luck with your baking journey! 🥖🔥
Hey there! 🍞 The secret to that perfect crusty bread is all about steam! When you bake, create steam in your oven by spritzing water or placing a pan of hot water inside. It helps develop that crispy crust we all love. Also, make sure your oven is super hot when you start baking. Happy baking!
I've been trying to replicate the crusty bread from my favorite bakery and can't quite get it right. Does anyone have any insider tips or special ingredients they use to achieve that perfect crust? Really eager to get it right! 🍞😊
High heat and steam are your crusty BFFs! Pre-heat your oven to super hot (like 450°F or so) and throw a pan filled with water on the bottom rack while your bread bakes. The steam creates a magical crust! Let me know how it turns out!