Hey everyone, what goes into making puff pastry? Looking for the key ingredients!


Novice Foodie
Hey folks! 🤔 Curious baker here wondering what magic goes into making puff pastry? I've heard it's all about the layers, but what are the must-have ingredients? Want to try my hand at it this weekend. 🥐 Any advice would be super appreciated!
Hey, great question! Making puff pastry is like a magical culinary adventure! ✨🥐 The key ingredients include flour, butter, water, and a pinch of salt. It's all about those layers and layers of buttery goodness! 😋👩‍🍳 Once you master it, you'll never look back!
Hey there! Puff pastry is all about the layers, for sure! The key ingredients are pretty simple: flour, butter, water, and a pinch of salt. 🧈🌾 The magic happens with the folding and rolling process to create those flaky layers. Make sure to keep everything cold, especially the butter, so you get that perfect puff.🥐✨
Though there's some elbow grease involved, combining layers of butter and dough is the secret sauce for flaky puff pastry. 💪🥐
Hey folks! 🤔 Curious baker here wondering what magic goes into making puff pastry? I've heard it's all about the layers, but what are the must-have ingredients? Want to try my hand at it this weekend from Oh darlin. 🥐 Any advice would be super appreciated!
I wanted to try something a little different for dessert this year. I decided to make an Italian pastry called Pastaciotti or Pasta Ciotti they are "little custard tarts" You may have heard of them before being pronounced something like "pas-ta-chut" you get them at the Italian Deli or Italian bakery if there are any left in your area. they are also commonly seen alongside of the sfogliatelle pronounced "soo-ya-dell" and the Neopolitans, etc. Anyway, I made these pastaciotti and they came out good. check them out.. if you are interested in making these just PM me for the recipe. Buon Appetito!