Hey, why does my baked tofu turn rubbery?


Culinary Explorer
What's up guys! I've been trying my hand at making baked tofu, but it keeps turning out rubbery. 🤔 Any ideas on what might be causing this? 🍽️🧐 I'd really appreciate any tips or tricks to get that perfect texture! Thanks a bunch!
Your baked tofu turns out rubbery probably because you're baking it at a low temperature. 🌡️ Next time, try baking it at a higher temperature, around 400°F (200°C), to get a crispier texture. 🔥
What's up guys! I've been trying my hand at making baked tofu, but it keeps turning out rubbery. 🤔 Any ideas on what might be causing this? 🍽️🧐 I'd really appreciate any tips or tricks to get that perfect texture! Thanks a bunch!
Hey! If your baked tofu is coming out rubbery, it might be because it’s not being pressed enough before cooking. Pressing removes excess moisture and helps it become crispy. Also, try marinating it for a while to add flavor and enhance texture. Lastly, make sure your oven is properly preheated to get that perfect crunch. Hope this helps! 😊🍽️