Homemade Hot dog


Novice Foodie
Hey gang, guess what I cooked up last weekend? Homemade hot dogs! They're a labor of love, but trust me, the taste is worth every bit of effort. Give it a shot and let me know how it turns out!


3 small hog casings (or feet sheep, casings 1-1/2-inch diameter)​
1 lb lean pork, cubed​
3⁄4 lb lean beef, cubed​
1⁄4 lb pork fat, cubed​
1⁄4 cup onion, very finely minced​
1 small garlic clove, finely chopped​
1 teaspoon coriander, finely ground​
1⁄4 teaspoon dried marjoram​
1⁄4 teaspoon ground mace​
1⁄2 teaspoon ground mustard​
1 teaspoon sweet paprika​
1 teaspoon white pepper, freshly fine​
1 egg white​
1 1⁄2 teaspoons sugar​
1⁄4 cup milk

1. Prepare the casings as instructed.​
2. Blend onion, garlic, coriander, marjoram, mace, mustard seed, and paprika into a puree using a blender or food processor.​
3. Thoroughly mix in pepper, egg white, sugar, salt, and milk.​
4. Grind pork, beef, and fat cubes separately using the fine blade.​
5. Combine and grind the meats again.​
6. Mix seasonings into the meat mixture by hand.​
7. Wet your hands with cold water before handling the sticky mixture.​
8. Chill the mixture for 30 minutes, then grind it again using the fine blade.​
9. Stuff the casings and twist them into six-inch links.​
10. Parboil the links together in gently simmering water for 20 minutes.​
11. Chill the franks in ice water thoroughly, then remove, pat dry, and refrigerate.​
12. Preparing the Casing:​
13. Snip off about four feet of casing, ensuring there's enough.​
14. Rinse the casing under cool running water to remove salt.​
15. Soak the casing in cool water for about half an hour.​
16. Rinse the soaked casing again under cool running water.​
17. Attach one end of the casing to the faucet nozzle.​
18. Flush out any salt and identify breaks by running cold water through the casing.​
19. Trim out any broken sections.​
20. Soak the casing in water with a splash of white vinegar.​
21. Leave it until ready to use, then rinse and drain well before stuffing.​

So, who's up for some DIY hot dog adventures?
This seems like a long process, but I want to make a hotdog with my own hands, so will give it a try. Thanks for your recipe! 🌭