Homemade vs Store-bought: Which has fewer calories and less fat, garlic aioli-wise


Tasty Apprentice
Hey there!🥄 Curious about the calorie and fat content differences between homemade and store-bought garlic aioli? 🤔💭 Let's explore which option is lighter on the waistline together! Share your knowledge and opinions, if you'd like! 🙏📊
Homemade garlic aioli usually has fewer preservatives and can be lighter on calories and fat, depending on the ingredients you use. Store-bought versions can vary, but often have added oils and sugars. Making it at home gives you more control over what goes in, so you can keep it healthier! 🙌🍴 What’s your preference? 😋💭
Homemade usually wins when it comes to calories and fat. You control the ingredients, so you can use less mayo and oil. Store-bought ones often pack in extra stuff to make them last longer.