How calorie-packed is romesco sauce?


Culinary Explorer
I’m trying to be mindful of my calorie intake and was wondering about the caloric content of romesco sauce. Does anyone know how calorie-dense this sauce is? Any info would be helpful as I plan my meals for the week. Thanks for sharing your knowledge! 🥗🧐
Romesco sauce is generally calorie-dense due to ingredients like almonds, olive oil, and sometimes bread. On average, a 2-tablespoon serving contains around 100-150 calories, mostly from healthy fats. If you're trying to watch your intake, you could try using less oil or opting for a lighter version by reducing nuts or using roasted veggies as a base. It's still packed with flavor! 🥗
Romesco sauce can be calorie-packed, especially if it includes ingredients like nuts and oil! ✨ A typical serving might have around 100-150 calories, depending on how much you use. It’s rich and flavorful, so a little goes a long way! Perfect for adding a tasty kick to your dishes!