How can you tell if a baked potato is still good?


Culinary Explorer
How can you tell if a baked potato has gone off? I hate wasting food and want to make sure I'm eating them when they're still good. Any tips? 🕵️‍♂️🥔
Hey! To check if a baked potato is still good, give it a gentle squeeze—it should feel firm but not mushy. If it’s sprouted or has a weird smell, it’s time to toss it. Happy baking!
Hi there! Remember, a fresh potato should have smooth skin with no wrinkles, and it shouldn’t smell bad. If you encounter any unpleasant odors or visible mold, it’s time to discard it. Enjoy your perfectly baked spud! 🥔😊
How can you tell if a baked potato has gone off? I hate wasting food and want to make sure I'm eating them when they're still good. Any tips? 🕵️‍♂️🥔
I think you can tell if a baked potato is still good by checking for any off smells or discoloration. Though, if it’s firm and doesn’t have a weird texture, it should be fine. 🥔