How can you tell if a clafoutis is fully cooked?

How can you tell when a clafoutis is perfectly done? 🤔 I always struggle with the cooking time. Should the center still jiggle a little, or should it be fully set? Any visual cues or tips would be super helpful!
I always keep an eye on the edges of the clafoutis while it's baking. They should be golden brown and slightly puffed up, indicating that it's cooked through. đź‘€
Getting that perfect consistency with a clafoutis can be tricky, but here's my take. When it's fully cooked, the center should have a slight jiggle, like a gentle dance. It shouldn't be too firm, but not overly runny either. Look for a golden-brown color around the edges, and a knife inserted into the center should come out cleanđź’•
You can tell if a clafoutis is fully cooked by inserting a knife into the center; if it comes out clean and the top is golden brown, it's ready!