How do you clean a kitchen blender?


Tasty Apprentice
Hey everyone! I'm into making some smoothies, and I got bugged on how to clean a kitchen blender effectively. 🤔 cause those blades can get pretty messy after blending up fruits and veggies. I've tried some methods, like soaking it in warm soapy water or blending some water and soap into it, but I'm curious to know if there are any other tricks out there! Do you have any insights or personal hacks to share? 🔄💡
Cleaning a blender after making smoothies can indeed be a bit of a chore with all those stubborn bits stuck to the blades. One trick I've found helpful is blending warm water with a bit of dish soap immediately after using the blender. Then, just give it a good rinse and you're good to go! Another method is using a brush to scrub the blades gently. Some people also swear by blending a mixture of water and vinegar to help break down any residue. Ultimately, it's all about finding what works best for you!
Cleaning a blender can definitely be a chore, but there are a few tricks that might make it easier for you! One method I like to use is blending warm water with a bit of dish soap right after I finish making my smoothie. This helps to loosen up any stuck-on residue and makes cleaning a breeze later on. Additionally, using a brush with soft bristles can help you reach all the nooks and crannies around the blades.
Hi, for a quick cleanup after use, blend some warm water with a splash of vinegar to disinfect and remove any lingering odors but for stubborn stains or odors, a mixture of baking soda and water can work wonders ;)