How do you keep bananas from turning black in banana pudding?


Novice Foodie
Hi taste-buddies, got a quirky challenge over here. Making banana pudding this weekend, and every time, my bananas go dark faster than fashion trends change. How do you keep them from looking like they've seen better days? Lemon juice or something else? Curious minds wanna know, so hit me up with your tricks.
I guess it's because of oxidation or exposure to the air, you mat try brushing the banana slices with lemon juice can help prevent them from turning brown. The acidity of the lemon juice slows down the oxidation process that causes browning :)
you can do the Lemon Juice method and then do some layerings. Instead of mixing the bananas directly into the pudding, layer them between the pudding and the vanilla wafers. Or simple, serve fresh :)