How do you keep tuna sandwiches fresh?


Novice Foodie
How do you keep tuna sandwiches fresh? 🥪I love packing them for lunch, but sometimes they get soggy by noon. Any tips or tricks for keeping them tasty and crisp until it's time to eat? Let's share our sandwich-saving secrets!
I feel your pain! Soggy tuna sandwiches are the worst. The tip I can recommend is don't stack all the ingredients on top of each other. Put the tuna on one side of the bread, the mayo on the other, and add the other toppings just before eating. 😋😉👌
Using a layer of lettuce between the tuna and the bread can help keep your sandwich from getting soggy. Wrapping it tightly in parchment paper also makes it seem as if everything is fresh until lunchtime. Enjoy your lunch without the sogginess! 🥪✨
Keep them fresh by using sturdy bread and storing in an airtight container. 🥪💨 Adding lettuce or veggies helps too! 🥗👌