How do you know when frittata is done?


Culinary Explorer
Hey team, tackling a frittata challenge here. I’ve tried making these egg delights a few times, but pinning down when they're perfectly cooked seems elusive . Some say look for the edges to pull away, others suggest a jiggly center means it's not done. How do you judge doneness without overcooking?
You'll know a frittata is done when the edges are set, the center is firm but slightly jiggly, and the top is golden brown. You can also insert a knife or toothpick into the center, and if it comes out clean, your frittata is ready to enjoy!
Hey there! Knowing when a frittata is done is all about that perfect balance of firmness and fluffiness. One telltale sign is when the edges start to pull away from the pan and the top looks set but still slightly jiggly in the center. Just give it a gentle shake—if it doesn't wobble too much, you're golden! Also, sticking a toothpick or a knife in the center should come out clean. Happy cooking!
Cook frittata over medium heat until edges set and center is slightly jiggly. Test with toothpick—few crumbs means it's ready! Don't overcook, let it rest before serving. Enjoy! 🍳