How do you know when mashed potatoes are done?


Culinary Explorer
Hello, curious cooks! How do you figure out when mashed potatoes have hit that perfect texture? Sometimes, mine turn out too runny or undercooked. Tips or tricks for nailing the right consistency would be awesome. Sharing your wisdom on this could really help a potato enthusiast out!
Hello, curious cooks! How do you figure out when mashed potatoes have hit that perfect texture? Sometimes, mine turn out too runny or undercooked. Tips or tricks for nailing the right consistency would be awesome. Sharing your wisdom on this could really help a potato enthusiast out!
The key to perfect mashed potatoes is finding that sweet spot between tender and textural. Poke 'em with a fork, drain 'em, mash 'em hot, and add butter and milk slowly. Voila! Creamy taters every time! 🥔🍴
For me, the key is fork-tender potatoes. Once you can easily pierce them with a fork, they're ready to mash. Overcooking can make them mushy, so keep an eye on them. Also, draining them well after boiling helps avoid excess moisture, which can lead to runny mashed potatoes. Hope that helps! 🥔🍴