How do you know when turkey breast is done?


Culinary Explorer
Hey there! How do you know when the turkey breast is perfectly done? 🤔 I'm thinking of relying on a trusty meat thermometer 🌡️ that I can stick in the thickest part of the breast. 🦃 How about you? Does anyone care to share your thoughts?
Hey there! How do you know when the turkey breast is perfectly done? 🤔 I'm thinking of relying on a trusty meat thermometer 🌡️ that I can stick in the thickest part of the breast. 🦃 How about you? Does anyone care to share your thoughts?
Hey! Using a meat thermometer is key for perfectly cooked turkey breast. I go for 165°F (75°C) in the thickest part. ;):)
You can use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the turkey breast. It should register at least 74°C in the thickest part of the meat. Another way is to make sure the juices run clear when pierced with a fork, and the meat is no longer pink. 🦃🌡️
Hey there! How do you know when the turkey breast is perfectly done? 🤔 I'm thinking of relying on a trusty meat thermometer 🌡️ that I can stick in the thickest part of the breast. 🦃 How about you? Does anyone care to share your thoughts?
Hey! The meat thermometer is an excellent tool to shed light on the tight range of roasting for turkey breast. A turkey which is done will be around 160°F (about 71°C). By doing this, you would not run the risk of burnt meat but instead will have a well done, juicy roast.🦃