How do you perfect caramel macchiato at home?


Novice Foodie
Hey coffee aficionados! ☕️ Any secret tips on nailing the perfect caramel macchiato at home? 🌟 I've been experimenting with ratios and techniques, but curious about your tricks to achieve that barista-level deliciousness. Share your wisdom, please!
Hey! For a bomb caramel macchiato, make sure to drizzle caramel on top, use vanilla syrup for that sweet kick, and steam your milk real good. Thanks for any tips you share! ☕🙌
Yum, homemade caramel macchiatos are the best! ☕🍮 Start with a shot of espresso or strong coffee, add a touch of vanilla syrup, then pour in steamed milk. Top with caramel sauce and a drizzle of sea salt if you like! 😋