How long can I store pesto in the fridge?


Novice Foodie
Good Day Everyone. May I ask for something I was worried that my pesto would end up spoiling since I usually do a large amount of it. Please give me some tips on how to preserve pesto and what is its store time when I put in the fridge. I am really worried about it. Thank you in advance pals.
I put mine in an air tight container then put it in the fridge. Mine usually last til 7 days but I make sure to consume it earlier than that. Make sure also that your food preparation was clean and neat as there are many factors that can spoil the food faster
Hey there! 😊 Storing pesto in the fridge is a great way to keep it fresh for a while. Typically, homemade pesto can last for about 5 to 7 days when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Just make sure to give it a stir before using it again to maintain its consistency and flavor. Enjoy your delicious pesto creations! 🌿🍝
I've kept pesto in the fridge for about a week without any issues. Just remember to give it a stir before using it, as the oil can separate a bit. Enjoy! 🥄👍
No worries, storing pesto in the fridge is totally doable. To keep it fresh, transfer your pesto to an airtight container and cover the surface with a thin layer of olive oil to prevent oxidation. Stored this way, pesto can last in the fridge for up to 1-2 weeks. Hope this helps and happy cooking! 🌿🍝
Store your homemade pesto in an airtight container with a layer of olive oil on top to preserve its freshness in the fridge for up to a week. For longer storage, freeze portions in ice cube trays and transfer to a freezer-safe bag or container. I hope you find this helpful!
Good Day Everyone. May I ask for something I was worried that my pesto would end up spoiling since I usually do a large amount of it. Please give me some tips on how to preserve pesto and what is its store time when I put in the fridge. I am really worried about it. Thank you in advance pals.
I think pesto can typically last in the fridge for about 5 to 7 days, though it's essential to store it properly to maintain its freshness. 🌿